Terms and Conditions

This Services Agreement contains the complete terms and conditions which govern your subscription of Web hosting, e-Commerce and other Internet-related services provided by ANZ Web Hosting. By submitting your order or purchasing any service, you acknowledge that you have read the Agreement, and you agree to its terms and conditions and all policies posted on the ANZ Web Hosting site. As referred to in this Agreement, "Site" refers to a World Wide Web site and " ANZ Web Hosting web site" refers to the Site located at the URL http://www.anzwebsitehosting.com

Client Liability and Indemnification

Client agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless to ANZ Web Hosting from all expenses, losses, liabilities, damages, or third-party claims resulting from client's breach or alleged breach of any client obligations set forth hereunder. ANZ Web Hosting does daily backups, but we do not guarantee the integrity of the backup, therefore the client is responsible for backing up and downloading their data. Also, ANZ Web Hosting does not maintain any data backup belonging to web hosting account after hosting account expire date. All data including backup file (if any) will be deleted 30 days from hosting account expiration date. The client agrees to withhold any legal actions against ANZ Web Hosting if the event of data loss occurs. ANZ Web Hosting is not responsible for loss of client’s data, and client agrees that in no event shall ANZ Web Hosting be liable for any data / information /content /code /design /program loss. 

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall ANZ Web Hosting Be liable for damages resulting from loss of data, profits, use of the ANZ Web Hosting site or any ANZ Web Hosting products or services, or for any incidental, indirect, punitive, or consequential damages in connection with this agreement or in connection with any products or services provided hereunder.

Billing Policy

Payment Methods: Stripe (for Credit/ debit Card and PayPal payments. All transactions in USD). You can select USD as your currency based on your payment method.

You agree to pay for the services on time. Unpaid invoices will result in temporally suspension of your account. Invoices will be generated 7 days before the Due date (Date for renew) and your account will be suspended after 7 days from Due Daye

(7 Days renewal grace period for Hosting Accounts.) for Domain renewal, you'll get a 30-day renewal grace period to settle th invoice and renew the domain name without any additional fee. Expired Domain name cannot transfer to any other registrar. If you are required to renew your EXPIRED domains after 30 days grace period (Domain redemption period), then you need to pay Domain Renewal fee + Redemption Fee (USD 250 x Current exchange rate)

Invoice date: This is 14 Days before your Domain expire date. (To avoid losing the Domain at registry level due to late payment.)
Due date: This is 7 Days before your Domain expire date. (To avoid losing the Domain at registry level due to late payment.)
Account cancellation: You should open a Billing / Tech support ticket from your client area and inform us about cancellation of your services at least 30 days before the expire date of your services. We will not generate renewal invoices when we receive your cancellation request.
Account Reactivation: Clients should pay $.250/- as Account reactivation fee if they expecting to renew the services after expiring date. Also, we only allow 12 days grace period for hosting account / Domain Name reactivation (Expired hosting account will be kept only 30 days and then it will be deleted with all data, there will be no backup maintain by us for expired accounts).
30 Day Moneyback Guarantee: You will be received a refund if Your account cancel within the initial 30 days after signing up. But to request this you should clearly mention the reason for opening a Support Ticket to our support division. Refunds do NOT apply to Domain registration, Domain renewal, Domain Transfer, SSL Certificates, dedicated IP addresses, Products given free with hosting plans/ purchase as an addons (Include Software / Web Templates), Search Engine Optimization services, and Account Renewals. No refunds for hosting accounts, those have violated the Terms of Services mentioned on this page.

 Acceptable Use

As a provider of web site hosting, and other Internet-related services, ANZ Web Hosting offers its clients, their customers, and users the means to disseminate a wealth of public, private, commercial, and noncommercial information. ANZ Web Hosting respects that the Internet provides a forum for free and open discussion and dissemination of information, however, when there are competing interests at issue; ANZ Web Hosting reserves the right to take certain preventative or corrective actions.

When information is disseminated through the Internet, they also must keep in mind that ANZ Web Hosting does not review, edit, censor, or take responsibility for any information its clients may create. When users place information on the Internet, they have the same liability as other authors for copyright infringement, defamation, and other harmful speech. Also, because the information they create is carried over ANZ Web Hosting network and may reach many people, including both clients and non-clients of ANZ Web Hosting sting clients' postings to the Internet may affect other clients and may harm ANZ Web Hosting goodwill, business reputation, and operations. For these reasons, clients violate ANZ Web Hosting policy and the service agreement when they, their customers, affiliates, or subsidiaries engage in the following prohibited activities.


Sending unsolicited bulk and/or commercial messages over the Internet (known as "spamming"). It is not only harmful because of its negative impact on consumer attitudes toward ANZ Web Hosting, but also because it can overload ANZ Web Hosting network and disrupt service to ANZ Web Hosting clients. Also, maintaining an open SMTP relay is prohibited. When a complaint is received, ANZ Web Hosting has the discretion to determine from all the evidence whether the e-mail recipients were from an "opt-in" e-mail list. If the messages are spam, we may block / terminate your account without prior notice and without any refund if you are spamming. All our shared hosting accounts (Linux shared, Reseller) have Email sending limit as 150 Emails per hour.

Intellectual Property Violations

Engaging in any activity that infringes or misappropriates the intellectual property rights of others, including copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, software piracy, and patents held by individuals, corporations, or other entities. Also, engaging in activity that violates privacy, publicity, or other personal rights of others. ANZ Web Hosting Webhosting is required to remove or block access to customer content upon receipt of a notice of copyright infringement. Based on the nature of the violation, we'll have all the rights to suspend / terminate any account without prior notice, although we try our best to inform the client. Accounts with Intellectual Property Violations will not re-activate on our servers.

Bandwidth and Server Resources

A virtual server is a shared environment where many web sites and users reside on each machine. Bandwidth is not a problem due to our enormous and extremely fast network we take pride in. You may use up to your bandwidth quota, and additional bandwidth must be purchased prior to additional use of bandwidth on top of your quota, or you should upgrade to the next plan (web hosting package) if applicable. Anyone who is using very CPU intensive programs and/or scripts that utilize an excessive amount of CPU time will be warned, and if not removed, the program will be terminated, and the site may be removed without prior notice.

Unlimited Traffic / Features

We offer Unlimited monthly traffic with some hosting packages as well as Unlimited features (e.g.: email accounts / sub domains / databases). However, we normally put a numeric value for these features as soft limit to avoid abusing our services. but these limits will be raised block by block when user reach to these soft limits, so there will be no limitation for these unlimited traffic / unlimited features mention on our packages.

Defamatory or Abusive Language

Using ANZ Web Hosting network as a means to transmit or post defamatory, harassing, abusive, or threatening language is strictly prohibited.
Forging of Headers Forging : Forging of headers or misrepresenting message headers, whether in whole or in part, to mask the originator of the message is prohibited.

Adult Material

Any form of Adult materials are NOT ALLOWED on our servers.

Illegal or Unauthorized Access to Other Computers or Networks

Accessing illegally or without authorization computers, accounts, or networks belonging to another party, or attempting to penetrate security measures of another individual's system (often known as "hacking"). Also, any activity that might be used as a precursor to an attempted system penetration (i.e. port scan, stealth scan, or other information gathering activity) is strictly prohibited. Extracting web site contents such as images and unique contents without legal permission of the web site owner is strictly prohibited. We will take action against that sort of activities such as account suspending, login blocking to user account (To our member area) or completely terminating the account without any notice.

Facilitating a Violation of this Terms of Use

Advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available any copyrighted software, program, product, or service that is designed to violate, which includes the facilitation of the means to spam, initiation of pinging, flooding, mail bombing, denial of service attacks, hosting chat scripts and piracy of software.

Distribution of Internet Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses

Distributing information regarding the creation of and sending Internet viruses, worms, Trojan horses, pinging, flooding, mail bombing, or denial of service attacks. Also, activities that disrupt the use of or interfere with the ability of others to effectively use the network or any connected network, system, service, or equipment.

Other Illegal Activities

Engaging in activities that are determined to be illegal, including advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available pyramid schemes, fraudulently charging credit cards, and pirating software.

We don't allow to host News web sites, Forums / blogs or any kind of web pages design for publish news on our servers (although these sites are not illegal)

Other Miscellaneous Activities

Engaging in activities, whether lawful or unlawful, that ANZ Web Hosting determines to be harmful to its clients, operations, reputation, goodwill, or customer relations.

As we have pointed out, the responsibility for avoiding the harmful activities just described rests primarily with the client. ANZ Web Hosting will NOT, as an ordinary practice, monitor the communications of its client to ensure that they comply with ANZ Webhosting policy or applicable law. When ANZ Web Hosting becomes aware of harmful activities, however, it may take any action to stop the harmful activity, including but not limited to, removing information, shutting down a web site, implementing screening software designed to block offending transmissions, denying access to the Internet, or take any other action it deems appropriate.

ANZ Web Hosting will not intentionally monitor private electronic mail messages sent or received by its clients unless required to do so by law, governmental authority, or when public safety is at stake. ANZ Web Hosting may, however, monitor its service electronically to determine that its facilities are operating satisfactorily. Finally, ANZ Web Hosting may disclose client information or information transmitted over its network where necessary to protect ANZ Web Hosting and others from harm, or where such disclosure is necessary to the proper operation of the system.

Communication with our staff

Customers may communicate with our staff in a polite manner. If you are rude with our billing / sales or tech support (in any available communication methods), we will give you One Week (7 days) to find another hosting provider. During this period, you should take all data backup and transfer your domain to your new host.

Data Integrity:

As an added no-charge service, ANZ Web Hosting performs occasional backups of its servers that house its webhosting and reseller packages. All backup services provided by ANZ Web Hosting, are offered with no warranty, or guarantee of their date, accuracy, and integrity. The Customer agrees / Customer's responsibility to always maintain regular backup of their data and keep them in a safe, remote location. Should the Customer fail to retain a backup of their data during an instance of server's file system damage, data loss or corruption, and ANZ Web Hosting does not hold a recent or valid copy, the Customer agrees to not hold ANZ Web Hosting liable.

ANZ Web Hosting is not responsible for files and/or data residing on your account. You agree to take full responsibility for files and data transferred and to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on your hosting account.

Privacy Policy

What type of information does ANZ Web Hosting collect?

When you visit our Web site, our Web server collects basic user information about you that includes your ISP's domain, the time you accessed our Web site, and the pages from within our Web site that you visit and is not personally identifiable information except as needed to prevent fraud or abuse of the system. When you sign up for ANZ Web Hosting services, you provide us with both contact and payment information. Contact information typically includes your name, address, e mail and phone number. Payment information typically includes your credit card number or bank account number.

How do we use this information?

ANZ Web Hosting does not trade, rent, or sell your personal information to any other organization or third party. We use the contact information you provide us to establish our service for you. We create and maintain other information such as customer account status, choice of services, and customer logs in the normal course of providing service. By pressing the “submit” button on order forms, each visitor constitutes consent to use the information for purposes stated in this Policy.

ANZ Web Hosting also will not disclose to third parties the contents of any electronic mail or other electronic communications that ANZ Web Hosting stores or transmits for its customers

How Can I Access / Change my personal information?

You can access your personal information, such as your name, mail address and contact information, at any time to correct or change any of the data shared with us when you became a customer of ANZ Web Hosting. As a customer of ANZ Web Hosting, you can access your personal information by clicking on the “Customer Login” or “Member Login” link at the top of any Web page. Your account information is secure and is accessible by using a password that you select.


ANZ Web Hosting has security measures in place to help prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. When you place an order online, your information is protected using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology. This encrypts order data and is designed to aid in ensuring the accuracy and security of that customer information.


Our Web site provide links to other Web sites, sites that may be maintained by companies that are not affiliates of ours. We are not responsible for the privacy practices, or the content of such Web sites and we encourage you to use caution. We recommend that you view the privacy policy posted on each site to confirm the sites policies are acceptable to you. This Policy applies solely to information collected by this Web site.

Changes to our Policy

ANZ Web Hosting reserves the right to change this Policy simply by posting such changes on our site. We encourage you to periodically check our site for changes to this Policy since your continued use of the site following any changes to this Policy will be deemed to constitute your acceptance of such change.

 Domain Registration Policy

Selecting a Domain Name

We cannot and do not check to see whether the domain name you select, or the use you make of the domain name, infringes legal rights of others. We urge you to investigate to see whether the domain name you select, or its use infringes legal rights of others, and in particular we suggest you seek advice of competent counsel.

Modifications to Agreement

You agree, during the period of this Agreement, that we may: (1) revise the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and (2) change the services provided under this Agreement. Any such revision or change will be binding and effective immediately on posting of the revised Agreement or change to the service(s) on ANZ Web Hosting Web site. If you do not agree with any revision to the Agreement, you may terminate this Agreement at any time by providing us with notice by e-mail.

Modifications to Your Account

In order to change any of your account information with us, you must use your e – Mail Address that you selected when you opened your account with us. Also please safeguard your Account Identifier and Password (Which we provided to you) from any unauthorized use. In no event will we be liable for the unauthorized use or misuse of your Account Identifier or Password.

Domain Name Dispute Policy

If you reserved or registered a domain name through us or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by our current Domain Name Dispute Policy ("Dispute Policy"). ENOM Central is our Main Domain Registrar, and you need to agree to the Domain Registration Agreement and / or Domain Renewal Policy and/ or Domain Transfer Agreement of ENOM Central. Domain names are often referred to simply as domains and domain name registrants are frequently referred to as domain owners, although domain name registration with a registrar does not confer any legal ownership of the domain name, only an exclusive right of use.

Limitation of Liability

You agree that our entire liability, and your exclusive remedy, with respect to any ANZ Web Hosting services(s) provided under this Agreement and any breach of this Agreement is solely limited to the amount you paid for such service(s). ANZ Web Hosting shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages resulting from the use or inability to use any of the ANZ Web Hosting services or for the cost of procurement of substitute services.